Thursday, 11 February 2010



Yes people, today is the day which marks 31 years of Iran, I've decided to throw on the EY IRAN national anthem to write to.

This opens up much for debate, and to talk about, its something I'm very passionate about, why wouldn't I be, I was born on this fine patch of holy land. I don't wish to get into the politics and religion of it all because everyone has their beliefs of what should be, but at the cusp of time we find ourselves in, where by the day talk of a revolution once again happening is fresh in the air. Also in the air is a lot of tears, blood and corruption, but when in Iran has this not been the case? Our history in more immediate times has been horribly tragic, our oil effectively stolen by the west, heads of state in the pocket of others and all of this lunacy.

However with time and a crescendo of both corruption and revolutionary spirit, many have belief that something may well just happen.............but will it be right for Iran?

I often debate with my mother about this, and say, YOU WERE THE ONE'S WHO BROUGHT THEM IN, and she'd tell me that I don't understand, how they used sweet words, and the hearts of the people, they believed them and so forth. I can respect we are a deeply religious people, however, I don't see how any of their sweet words would have in practicality brought about better times, such as the promise of free oil which was never delivered.

Another point I make to her is, look all around the world, past and present, any government which allowed religion and politics to marry was corrupt, so even precedence would not support a religious government. When the governance of humanity is their spirituality then we should have even more of a right to ask for a revolution as a collective, because with such power allows complete control, of mind body and soul, it is a marriage of heaven and hell and where anything is possible.

"I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And after many days my Soul return'd
And said, "Behold, Myself am Heav'n and Hell." - Omar Khayyam

You see if we do contain such a thing, then putting such power in the hands of one is really asking for anything to be possible, and much for this reason the people wanted a revolution. What I find the strangest about the whole concept of the "revolution" which happened 31 years ago is this, they got what they wanted, moved in and no structures were changed, only the names of the roles. For example, the Kings powers became the 'Supreme Leader's power, why shed so much blood and exert so much energy to simply give all of that power which corrupts absolutely again to merely one man? Or of men who have a very similar mind state, who's vision of hell and heaven all are very similar? Because if you don't like it, you're stuck in another world of heaven and hell which is forced into reality.

I personally went to quite a few protests, I think it was 11, last year when all of this kicked off, but after having men in green tell me where to stand, what to chant, what I can't chant, what I must change, I realised that everyone in this "movement" have their own agenda and many factions of old are acting as old, moving towards alias which suit them and using the voice of the average Iranian who is infuriated by the situation of their country, but uncertain of the future. What would be tragic is if the peoples name is once again abused, to bring around more "change" that is not needed nor wanted. This is my greatest fear, my fear is not for the people of Iran because they are mighty with strong hearts, many flood the streets in the hope for freedom, risking their livelihoods, lives and loved ones all for country and the betterment of their community. In the Supreme Mathematics of The Nation Of Gods and Earth, it is the knowledge of GOD which brings about the question, shall one build or destroy?

We now sit on a time where the spirituality of the people has risen to a level that their knowledge of such things is very strong, God and revolution is in the hearts of man, with this, what we see on the street in my mind proves the mistakes that the Islamic Republic of Iran have brought to Islam, because what has happened over the last 31 years, especially the first 10 years, and last 2, was anything but in God's name. So the question is, shall the people of Iran build with the current government or DESTROY? reform or revolt?

We are human and we do make mistakes, such as bringing these monkey's into power in the first place, although I do agree that a state run by a clearly Masonic figure such as The Shah would not be well advised, Iran is a strong independent country which brought much to the world, steeped in history, we have a vast well of inspiration we can take from this to build a brighter future.

With knowledge that together we can build heaven or hell, I think that today would be a good day for a prayer to all those in Iran who are fighting God's war, in their minds, hearts and with every brave action they take, in the past present and future. It is an accumulation of faith which will bring around such change, I say a prayer for that time, that we don't make the same mistakes, that we don't follow people with hellish thoughts in their minds, but the brave who want a brighter future for themselves, their loved ones and the children of Iran's future. I randomly searched the tomb of Khomeni today, only to find out that it was still being built, something I wasn't aware of, the cost of this project, $2 Billion. I remember one of the main points of the Shah wasting money was a parade for his anniversary, however I can never imagine that he spent that much money on such a thing. $2billion for a man who came in, started a war, killed 2 million people, broke all his promises and so on. Just a random thought I had about it when I saw it, what is scary is that I've seen others from other countries such as Pakistan praise this man and many may even see him as some form of massiah or pivotal religious figure who saved the world from American imperialism, ignoring all the darker aspects and the millions who's lives lost and changed for the worst in what seems like an eternity.

Feel free to add, I haven't quite delved into this one because there is much to talk and debate about, such as Iran's history, the rule of law, how these things should impact a future Iran, what lessons have been learned that we can take forward, because the vibe now is when not if!

Please note the picture at the top of the page does not depict my political stance, only to display the original flag of Iran, the distant past, and how the past will help us ensure that tomorrow will be a brighter day, much like Ferdowsi The Great believed.


Ferdowsi Tusi

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Iranian + Police = Corruption?

BBC Story - Met Commander Ali Dizaei in 'abuse of power'

This guy has been the head of the National Black Police Association and had numerous allegations made against him. Now I don't know the guy but the evidence seems really shakey, he's been approached while with his wife, a social matter, disrespected, a police commissioner, put you in his shoes. I think if the same happened to another officer they would detain the person in question, this was a business matter and nobody should have the right to confront you while you are with your family over business, especially if they wish to get physical, especially if the people in question were raised with middle eastern culture, this is great disrespect, and as a pillar of the community undoubtedly, justly or otherwise, I think to send such a figure to prison for such a lengthy period is really a tragedy. You may see me post a lot of links to the BBC, only because we are in the UK and the BBC is the MAIN source of news, it is what we OUGHT to think. I think its safe to say most the time we ought to know what we ought to know but know that we ought to know better, so its good to know what we ought to know cause then we can know to know everything but what we ought to know, you know?

What we ought to think is that the whole force knew he was corrupt, wanted him out, and the best they could finally find out was that he tried to fake getting stabbed to duck out of paying £600................seriously? Sounds like some more jacked up shit, did anyone check out to see if this website guy was a dentist back home?

If this person was corrupt, they would have some supporting evidence of him doing something a little more substantial? £600?! Lets not get crazy here, I'm sure an officer with a salary like his could easily have paid it if he honestly had made such an agreement, it would not be worth the tarnished name syndrome. Especially if we are to believe he's as corrupt as the news report depicts, how does it make any sense that he would be so STUPID when he's built up as this genuis mastermind who managed to get all the way up the ladder just to con some dude for £600?!

Now like I said, I don't know this guy, he may be everything we are told, but you gotta admit this looks suspect?! Got my first comment today, don't be shy, join the debate if ya like mayte!

Ferdowsi Tusi

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Use to live near and about this estate for 15 years, when I was a kid the riots were infamous, our family had businesses near by who wouldn't deliver to that area because it was a mad house, delivery boys beat up and jacked for their food and money. Crazy how still you can turn on the news and its ripples in time are still apparent, even to this day the fast food places don't go there!

If you read this Azyta, WELL DONE ON GETTING OUT GAL, them bastards burned my car to the ground, call em the rebel rebels!


Ferdowsi Tusi

Root Canal Apology!

I have to say, my first entry today was rather rash, I'd have to blame this on the continual throbing style pressure applied on the left hemisphere of my mind!

Looking back, lady was in my mouth for a good 40 mins, and for what contribution I had to make it was well worth the dosh. Although smelling my flesh burn was strange, made me think about what I'd taste like, I'd imagine I'd go well with horseraddish.

Dentists should be praised, any doctor should, male or female, the dedication they put into their lives to ensure we have someone in the community to depend on is invaluable. I was quick to blame cause the pain was insane, so to my dentist lady doctor, I apologise, not that you ever knew. And also to the female of the species, don't like coming off as a sexist, I'm very much for sex!

Anyway, made my mense and normality in my world is now restored seeming all these head pains aren't there no more. I'll make a blog later about valentines day or how I screamed at a cop a couple weeks ago, something more interesting than my teeth! Peace,

Ferdowsi Tusi

Kick Off

Someone's idea I start a blog because I write too much.

Today is the 9th of feb, I'm layed out in bed with a bangin' headache, root canal treatment needed! I found out that I'm a better dentist than my dentist, who told me I don't need to fill this tooth and now the root is fucked and they want me to pay for it even thou I'm on the NHS, cause they don't cover root canal!!! What kinda jacked up shit is that! I told her before it rotted that its gonna rot, the woman is crazy, she said no, there's no need............this is while she's filling another tooth!!! If she listened to me, I wouldn't have this continual head thumping! No offense to any ladies but the only ever incompetent doctors I've ever met have been ladies, I wish it weren't the case, guess how the lord has blessed my life and my eyes to see as such. Last time I went in with a concussion, about 30 cuts on my face from a drinking accident, feel no sympathy for me, went in for a note to say I can't sit 2 exams due to a concussion which the Hospital told me I had, the woman tells me YOU WERE WELL ENOUGH TO GET HERE, SO YOU'RE WELL ENOUGH TO GO TO THE EXAM, and she didn't give me a letter! Now thats even more jacked up than the dentist lady.

NOW, apparently my tooth has been left so long without treatment now i need to burn the root, why the hell would the woman lie?? I'm thinking they wanted me to mess up my tooth to drain my pockets to leave me with an ugly smile, not that I'd be smiling about all this, imagine an upside down smile.

I'm Iranian, they call me evil dooer, if you ask me the economy makes people evil dooers, we'd be hella more productive without the love of money. This is truth.

NHS = FREE? Apparently not if you got gummy nervy dirty teeth.

Need to smoke less, I blame my childhood and the alcohol! Ha. Real lesson I need to learn is here, quit smoking and drinking and then female doctors won't mug you off.

On a more up beat note I got a new album! Not really much to blog or write about, just wanted to kick off things with a little entry.

I wonder if I'll keep this place updated, time will tell, PEACE,

Ferdowsi Tusi